Join us as we demonstrate Jesus’ love to our neighbors in need. Our aim is to be wise and generous stewards of God’s great gifts to us.
C2C (Church to Church) Food Ministry
What a privilege we have to partner with other local churches to serve food-insecure families in our area. Join us! Since the height of the pandemic in 2020, we have been sourcing, boxing, and distributing food to our partner churches six times a year. God is blessing this hands-on ministry, and we love hearing how He is moving in people’s lives because of it.
Contact Craig Bonelli to learn more about serving our neighbors through C2C.
Click here to sign up to help at our next food distribution day.
Click here to read a letter from our local partner, Beach Haven Baptist Church.
Samaritan Hands
Samaritan Hands gives FBCP members the opportunity to love our neighbors in the greater Pensacola area as ourselves. Volunteers work to meet both physical and spiritual needs with food, clothing, shoes, utility assistance, and related services as well as Christian counseling for all the Lord brings our way.
Contact Bill Farris at 850-438-8907 to learn how and when you can volunteer.
C. A. Weis Elementary
For over a decade, FBCP has partnered with Greater Little Rock Baptist Church and C.A. Weis Elementary School to meet a variety of needs in the Weis community. Backpack Buddies helps ensure children don't go hungry over the weekends. First Friends and Warmth for Weis support the school’s children, families, teachers, and administration in multiple ways. Just as importantly, we gather on the edge of campus to pray regularly for the children and these ministries.
Contact Lori Kizziah to learn how you can serve at Weis.
Foster and Adoptive Care
Join us as we engage with local foster and adoptive families as they serve on the front lines of our area’s foster care crisis. It is our honor and responsibility to help meet this great need, and there is no shortage of ways to serve—there’s a place for you!
Royal Family Kids Camp, LEAFF (Loving and Empowering Adoptive and Foster Families), One More Child, and Feed Fosters are all wonderful ways to invest your time and talents.
Contact Amy Floyd to learn how you can serve local foster children and families.