Upcoming Events
Foundations: Building a Marriage that Endures
Join us for a transformative two-day event on January 24 and 25 to strengthen your marriage and build a lasting foundation. Whether you're newlyweds or have been married for years, this conference will provide practical tools and spiritual insights to help you thrive together. Sign up for a chance to win a Winshape Marriage Retreat in Rome, GA. Childcare is available for birth - 4 years old.
Join the women of FBCP on Sunday, February 2 as we gather monthly to grow our friendships and flourish in God’s word with a devotion by Brooke Snyder. Childcare is provided with a reservation.
UP WKND is an area-wide weekend event starting February 21-22 for 6th-12th graders to come together for worship, teaching, small groups, breakouts, & so much more! First Students will be staying at host homes and participating in mission projects around our city!
Men's Clay Shoot
Join the men of First Baptist for their annual clay shoot. Individuals are welcome to sign up, as well as teams of four.
Pray for Pensacola
First Baptist is joining one of our local ministry partners in an effort to pray for Pensacola. On the 9th of each month, we are looking for 12-24 people who will commit to pray around the clock for God to move in our city. Use the link to sign-up or stop by the welcome desk to put your name on the list!
Samford University MTI: Hebrews
An exegetical study of the book of Hebrews. Hebrews is a rich letter that gives readers deep theological truths regarding the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. Though we know almost nothing regarding the author or recipients it is obvious that the epistle is written to present Christ as the completion of God’s covenant with the Hebrew people. Participants will find in studying this epistle that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of each of the Old Testament themes and covenants.
GriefShare is a support group for men and women experiencing the loss of a loved one. At GriefShare you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind. We use the curriculum during a 13-week cycle, meeting 90 minutes on Wednesdays from 3-4:30 PM.