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When Should I Arrive?

Our Sunday worship begins at 8:15 a.m. for the Contemporary Service and 10:45 a.m. for the Traditional Service. Small group Bible studies meet at 9:30 a.m. We invite you to arrive a few minutes early to enjoy a cup of coffee and give us a chance to meet you.

Where should I go?

Our church is located at 500 North Palafox Street in downtown Pensacola. We have entrances on all sides of our campus, but recommend our main entrance on Jackson Street or Children’s entrance on Guillemard Street. Our welcome team will be there to assist you.

Where should I park?

We have parking lots on Jackson Street and Guillemard Street with plenty of parking for our guests. Guests are encouraged to park in our upper lot on Jackson Street, next to the Welcome Center entrance. Golf carts move throughout the lots for your convenience.

What should I wear?

We don’t have any set dress code so we encourage you to dress how you feel most comfortable. Our Contemporary service tends to be more casual while some dress up a little more for our Traditional service.

What are my options for kids?

Your children’s safety and security are our top priorities. Our church provides childcare with age appropriate curriculum from birth to five-years old. For kids between kindergarten through fourth grade, we have a Kid's Worship downstairs and a special seating section for Preteen students (5th & 6th grade) in both of the adult worship services.

What happens on a Sunday?

Both of our worship services include music, prayer, and a Biblical message of hope and salvation. Small group Bible study is a more interactive time of fellowship and biblical community.

What about mid-week opportunities?

Wednesday evening opportunities include dinner and a devotional message, Choir KID and Team KID for children through fifth grade, middle and high school. Childcare is available.


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