

GAP - Girls and Periods – Help us fill the GAP of feminine hygiene products for young women in foster care. Supporting girls as they become women through such a personal need can build the basis of learning to support and rely on other women and create healthy relationships. Please be a part of helping us fill the GAP for these young women!

GAP is part of a larger mission helping children through fostering, respite care, dinner, Christmas gifts, or bags for children new to foster care.  We stand in the GAP for them while their families get the help they need or they are adopted. With all of us coming together these girls get to see that they are important and special to us.  

Here is how you can help! You can drop-off feminine products directly to the church (Women’s Ministry bin), set up a one-time or monthly delivery from Amazon or you can make a contribution to our church’s Women’s Ministry/GAP one time or monthly. We estimate $30/month will support one girl.  This small gesture will mean so much to these girls. Thanks for being willing to stand in the GAP!

Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.  Isaiah 1:17

Ways to give:

1.      FBC Pensacola:  click HERE, select Other, then and type in  “Women’s Ministry/GAP”

2.      Amazon Wishlist: